Friday, December 31, 2010

cambodia - Day 4

not much sleep last night. so many strange noises coming from the street. really obscure a guy walking past whacking a coconut as well as the traditional ones like dogs barking. it doesnt help to have ocea snuggled into me like a hot waterbottle.

the best thing about being here is that every morning after our cold showers we head downstairs and sit around a table. once there we sort of look at eachother and go..what now??? that might have happened on a saturday or sunday in oz....but not everyday of the week. there is something so 'right' about steve not heading off to work each morning not to be seen again until dinner time.

this morning we decided to head off to a place that steve has been in contact with called 'conversations with foreigners'. its an organisation that teaches english through informal conversations. they run classes from 6-8am and then 4-6pm. they are pretty keen for us to work there for three months. the ladies that met us couldnt have been sweeter. of course they practically fell over themselves trying to get to Time and Ocea. the guy that steve has been in touch with is currently in copenhagen...but his wife met us and was really helpful and sweet. turns out she is expecting their first child. i asked when she is due. thinking she would say "in five months". nope, she is due next month!! such a tiny belly!

she took us to an apartment thats for rent ($200 a month) that they are recommending to us. turns out it was just across the street...and the one below theirs. the landlord (who really really needs a pair of tweezers) rocked up without a we had to check out the apartment above...which supposedly isnt as nice..but would give us an idea of what to expect.

it had a huge balcony with a really nice breeze so we were all just standing out there having a chat. all of a sudden Time said: "lets all just hug!" and she motioned us together into a big group cuddle. she then started saying how we are all different. different eyes. different skin. different shirts! a very heartfelt message from a three year old.

the landlord wants us to return at 7am tomorrow morning for an inspection. sure! why not??

we then headed back to the guest house. the girls have no shortage of who to play with when they are here. Lek is becoming a bit like a forlorn girlfriend to ocea. "ocea, you loooove me?" ocea responds with yes i love you. "why you no looooove me ocea?" "now i want to dieeeeeee!" "please love me oceaaaaaa!" and away she goes brushing her long hair.

levi and neshica tend to hang around in the room drawing..or downstairs at one of the tables. the girls on the other hand are busy socialites keeping the locals entertained. i hadnt seen them for a quite a while today and found them outside in one of the tuktuks singing "twinkle twinkle" to a very bemused family having their lunch.

much to my delight a spontaneous game of shuttle cock started happening outside so i made sure to join in, eager to find out if im as gifted as ive been hoping.

turns out im not but we had a great time trying the game out and we had three tuktuk drivers from across the road laughing at our 'skills'. by the of the drivers has got some new shoes on....the ones levi threw out the other day because the souls came off! as in...completely off. mr. newshoes doesnt seem to mind and wears them proudly.

the rest of the afternoon was spent out the front watching most of the guest house staff replace the pot of water with goldfish with a slightly bigger pot of water. as well as that the orchids needed some pruning. all in all a good afternoon in the breeze compared to being tucked inside with only the fans going.

the girls were starting to fall asleep at this stage and we really needed them to stay awake so we decided to have a 30min tuktuk ride. nothing like a bit of air pollution at rush hour to keep our kids awake.

they stayed awake...and we managed to see some more crazy things in our travels...and we made it back to the guest house just in time for steve to meet up with an aussie woman who is working here as a volunteer. she is part of a team designing toilets for the boat villages. they are hoping to provide cleaner water by supplying these floating toilets that dont allow all the poo to go straight into the lake. we had a good chat with her, making sure we asked her lots of questions about living here. she was really helpful and is only a street away so that could come in handy.

we are now going to sleep so we can be up bright and early!

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