Friday, December 31, 2010

So little can change so much

so i know you are bombarded with people asking for help right now. and i realise that it all gets too much....

but i still want to send out this little message....and if it clicks with you...then i would love to hear from you...

if not...thats ok...i know that many of you already give in so many other ways to really good causes.

this morning my friend Any asked me again if i know anyone who could provide a job for her cousin.

she doesnt speak any english..or have any it would mean a cleaning job...and i dont really know anyone who

needs someone right now.

but i decided to prod a bit (who me???).

and sure enough there is a story.

Any's cousin...the older sister of the one asking for the job, got married a couple of months ago. it was all very quick...

and steve and i suspected that she might be pregnant.

well...she is..and her very new husband has been beating her so she has left him and gone back to live with her friend.

her mother died many years ago...and her father has remarried and now has a 'new' family. so she is pretty much left to

look after herself...except for her younger sister she hasnt got anyone.

Any told me this morning that her cousin is wanting to abort the baby. she just cant look after a child. being wondering if you would like to get involved.

you see...for a young mum to bring up a child in cambodia it actually doesnt require that much money.

$60 a month will cover the costs. as in...all the costs. it would mean that they could have their needs met without

her needing to go look for a job. (if the mother was alive her role would be to stay home with the grandchild).

so...if you are keen to help...or if you have a group of friends, school, bible study group, tennis club.....whatever it might be...

who want to chip in and give $60 for a long term commitment...

then please let me know asap.

i will be bringing over some vitamins (she is staying down the road from us) today....and hopefully between a few of us...

these two sisters...and a little baby...can be looked after.

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